DID YOU SEE OUR BILLBOARD? WELCOME! READ ON TO LEARN MORE: Dairy cows are repeatedly impregnated in order to maximize milk production. On average throughout the industry, a dairy cow gives birth to a calf every 13 months. Cows are given less than two months “off” from being pregnant each cycle. When calves are born, standard practice is to permanently separate them from the mother within 24 hours of birth, so that the milk can be diverted for human consumption. Mothers often exhibit signs of distress such as bellowing and chasing after the calf. Calves also exhibit stress behaviors as well as attempts to suckle objects. BOTH male and female calves are separated from the mother upon being born. The females will be raised to be the next generation of dairy cows. The males are of no use to the dairy industry, so they are either killed immediately or sold to become veal or low-quality beef. Even though cows are social herd animals, the female calves are often raised in individual hutches without social contact; they are fed a milk mix or substitute instead of their mother’s milk. Dairy cows have been selectively bred to maximize milk production, at great expense to their health and well-being. Today’s dairy cows live in unending physical discomfort due to grossly oversized udders and the exhausting demands of almost constant pregnancy. Due to the genetic alterations they have undergone to become milking machines, they are prone to problems like mastitis, lameness, and metabolic disorders. A dairy cow’s life inevitably ends at the slaughterhouse. Once her profitability wanes (after an average of four pregnancies), she is killed for meat – a final act of violence after her body has been thoroughly exploited and “spent.”
WANT TO LEARN MORE? Dairy is Scary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UcN7SGGoCNI
Mothers Against Dairy: https://mothersagainstdairy.org/
The Dark Side of Dairy Report: https://www.whitelies.org.uk/sites/default/files/dark_side_of_dairy_report_2014.pdf
Free from Harm: https://freefromharm.org/dairyfacts/
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